Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Breakin' It Down

While wrapping up the final touches on the second novel in the Bardin series - I've had to spend some extra time working on this collection of short stories I keep promising is on it's way. I thought it would be of interest to those of you watching to see the anticipated lay-out of all the upcoming releases.

By the end of this year, the first anthology of short stories will be out in paperback. At this time, the stories included in this opening volume will be:

Southern Gothic
Some Time
The Two O'Clock
An Emptied Nest
Pale Yellow
Wake Up, Aggie
The Red Mittens
Gardenia Blossoms
The Wobble Effect
Trestlewood Estates

I did a little hypothetical formatting and found that this collection should be somewhere in the ballpark of around 350-400 printed pages.

After that - and probably somewhere in the same time-zone as the release of the first Bardin novel (God, I hope it can happen by end of summer/early fall) - I'll be dropping out another little anthology! What? Oh yes I did!

Collection two will strictly be my novellas and have the following titles:

Earth Angel
Have Mercy
and either 130 or The Monster (I haven't really decided)

These things are all finished and ready to be read. I just have to get busy with all the red-tape associated behind the scenes so that I can put them out there into the big, scary world.

But, wait - I'm not done surprising you! Somewhere during 2013, I have two more collections of finished fictitious fantasies coming for you. These will be comprised mostly of stories very few of you have read - mostly things written during the 1990's, 1980's and early 2000's. I felt guilty showcasing the newer stuff when the oldest friends still wanted love and affection. So...

Collection Three:

The Shadow In The Fog
A Garage of My Own
Moving Day
Bartleby the Knave
Now & Forever
The Champion
Lucky Bedelia
Last Day
A Visitor in Valhalla

Collection Four:

The Tickets (1979)
Naked City
The Bastard
The Bug House
The Day Cassandra Came
The Amazing Adventures of Dog Boy
The Greatest Unknown

And that's that!

We'll talk again soon, sweet peaches! Happy Reading!